Martes, Oktubre 15, 2013

Life is too SHORT to wear BORING Clothes.Explore the world of fashion.

Modern Fashion

In the old times, women were so conservative they don’t want to expose more skin and they also hidden behind the long dress. However now a day’s the 21st century brought more changes in the Philippine fashion. They Filipino women can wear anything they wanted. The dress, skirt, short is getting shorter. The polo shirt, t-shirt is not so trending at this moment. Fashion in the Philippine is evolving throughout the years. Here are some examples.
Men's fashion has certainly evolved through the centuries, as any look at men's historical clothing will show you. While much has always been made of women's fashions, men's styles are no less noteworthy. we can see that the history can clearly see how a man's status and class affected his wardrobe. 

The fashion sense of the Filipino youth only reflects what the youth of other countries are doing. We wear what we wear because that is what they tell us to wear. We are so influenced by other cultures that we are not creating our own identity, fashion-wise.  What passes as stylish for one person could be trash for someone else. I am not an expert on fashion and will never claim to be

2 komento:

  1. they also hidden behind the long dress.- they were hidden behing long dresses
    now a day’s the 21st century- Nowadays/ In the 21st century
    They Filipino women can wear anything they wanted. -Filipinas can wear whatever they wanted
    short- shorts
    Fashion in the Philippine -Fashion in the Philippines/ Philippines fashion
